Beverly E. Schoff
EVP, Loan Admin. Manager
Beverly Schoff has been involved in origination and management of small business loans and small balance commercial loans, including conventional products and loans originated pursuant to SBA (7a) and 504 loan programs for over 30 years. Most recently, Ms. Schoff was the SVP of Loan Administration at Harvest before moving into the Executive Vice President role stationed at the Harvest Headquarters in Laguna Hills, CA. Prior to her SVP role Ms. Schoff managed originations, processing, documentation and funding at Harvest, Pacific Premier Bank, Plaza Bank and was Lehman Brothers Small Business Finance West Coast Loan Admin. Mgr. with highest volume in funded loans. Ms. Schoff’s dedication, high energy and passion for small business lending coupled with a “top tier” processing team will continue to drive high loan closings with undeniable documentation accuracy and team professionalism.